Please contact your child's MCO teacher through Class Dojo if interested in scheduling a conference.
For students in grades K-6, Mifflin County Online utilizes the Lincoln Learning Program for grades K-3 and the K12 (fuelED) mastery-based curriculum (grades 4-6), which is aligned with state, Common Core, and iNACOL standards. All classroom instructors are Pennsylvania certified and highly-qualified. Individual assistance is provided on a daily basis at the Mifflin County Online classroom.
About Our School
Since 2000, Mifflin County Online has been providing students with a rich and diverse learning environment. Our unparalleled teaching methods help to launch students into the successful future they have always dreamed of. We always encourage both staff and students to grow, to learn and to create each passing day.

Learn about MCO
Mifflin County Online
Our Mission
Mifflin County Online is dedicated to providing online learning opportunities for every member of the school community through the utilization of online curriculum provided by K12 (fuelED). A comprehensive system of support, including parental involvement and community resources, will be employed to ensure student academic gains measure a year's worth of growth.
Mifflin County Online is committed to offering its students an exemplary online education that is personalized and customized to meet their individual and exclusive needs. We recognize the difference between excellence and mediocrity lies in absolute attention to details. Through our rigorous, standards-based online curriculum, each student will be challenged to achieve his or her highest academic potential. We support active parental participation as we recognize their significance to a child's academic success. As we strive to promote lifelong learning, we encourage community members to contribute and collaborate with the school, students, and parents in the education of our children.
An unwavering confidence in all students' ability to learn
Passion for excellence through commitment and dedication
Respect for one's self, for others, and for the community
Consistent collaboration within and across our school community
Commitment to reflection, evaluation, evolution and innovation to improve teaching and learning
Provide the highest quality online education that includes face-to-face instruction and exceptional customer service
Maintain a forthright relationship with the Mifflin County School District and its stakeholders
Utilize all available community resources to better meet the needs of our students and their families
Measure the program's effectiveness via student achievement, parental input, and teacher feedback
Adapt and evolve to meet the ever-changing educational needs of our students and families

Contact Us
Visitors are always welcome to our school. If there’s anything you’d like to know about our programs and curriculum, please get in touch.
Phone: 717-667-2123 EXT 4700